Apparently today's high-tech cars are fast falling prey to high-tech car thieves. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reports that savvy criminals are able to make breaking into a vehicle as easy as pushing a button. That's because they're using sophisticated electronic "scanner boxes" to deduce the radio frequency codes and pop the locks on the burgeoning number of late-model cars equipped with remote keyless entry systems, affording quick and easy access to personal property left inside the passenger cabin, glove box and/or trunk. No glass is broken, any alarm is left untriggered and a thief could literally empty the contents of a car in plain sight on a crowded street without raising the attention of passersby.
"Our law enforcement partners tell us they are seeing this type of criminal activity and have recovered some of the illegal devices," says NICB president and CEO Joe Wehrle. "And unfortunately, some of these devices are available on the Internet."
The circuit board is fast replacing the "slim jim" among clever car thieves to break into late-model vehicles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia.)
The NICB estimates more than a billion dollars worth of items are taken from parked cars each year, and we'd guess that number is likely to swell as keyless entry systems become virtually universal and more crooks are able to hack their way into vehicles.
Fortunately, cars that use keys protected with coded computer chips are much more difficult for criminals to actually start and drive away. Largely because of that technology, the NICB says car thefts were at their lowest rate last year since 1967. Unfortunately, it's well within reason that vehicles equipped with the latest keyless push-button ignition systems could themselves become susceptible to remote control drive-away pilfering, though that would require a much higher level of technical sophistication.
In the meantime, car owners are advised to take obvious – but so frequently ignored – precautions, including always closing the windows/sunroof and locking the car no matter where you leave it. Never leave personal possessions in plain sight within a parked car, especially such thief-tempting items as portable GPS navigation systems and radar detectors. Likewise, avoid leaving the cords or car adaptors for such devices out in the open – a crook with even an ounce of common sense will look for the hardware to which they're connected in the glove box or trunk.
While the NICB recommends hiding valuables and shopping bags in the trunk, we suggest (based, alas, on personal experience) that prudent drivers take another step of precaution and avoid walking back into a store or mall after loading up the trunk or sticking valuables in the glovebox. If a crook is lurking nearby you'll send a certain signal that such valuables are ripe for the picking.
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